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  • Plugin Author cubecolour


    I have not been able to reproduce this.

    I use EDD & Tabby Responsive Tabs on my own sites and the EDD customer details look fine.

    Can you provide some more information?

    Thread Starter Joan Boluda


    Hi again! It happened after updating EDD. But when I deactivated your plugin and activated it again everything was fine. Weird!

    If that happens again on next EDD update I’ll let you know!


    Plugin Author cubecolour


    It sounds like the problem was nothing to do with Tabby Responsive Tabs.

    If it happens again it might be due to something like an old version of a js file cached in your browser.

    Thread Starter Joan Boluda


    Interesting! I’ll keep an eye on it.

    Thanks again, awesome plugin 🙂

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