• Resolved umberto69


    Good morning,
    sorry for my english, I use Google translate.
    On my site I have 2 menus, the second menu was created with your Mega Menu.
    I inserted several conditions, so as to display it only on pages created by another plugin. I can assign the Mega Menu to all pages, except those in another plugin’s categories.
    On THIS page you can see your Mega Menu.
    I would like the Mega Menu to also be assigned to the category pages. THIS is an example. As you can see there is the first menu, because through the Elementor conditions, I can’t assign it.
    The only way to assign it is via the condition: Archives –> All archives. You can see from THIS screenshot. But this condition is not good because it contains all the archives of the website.
    I tried to use the various items in the archives sub menu, as you can see from THIS screenshot, but I don’t know why I can’t find the correct viewing condition.
    Can you tell me where I’m wrong?
    I hope I have explained myself.

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  • leap13support


    Hi there,

    I recommend using our Display Conditions option “URL String”, it will check if the word/string “categories” is part of the page URL and display the menu accordingly.

    Here’s a screenshot of how you can use the condition on your mega menu. Please try it and let me know if you still need further assistance.


    Thread Starter umberto69


    Thanks for the info. Unfortunately this option is in the PRO version of your plugin.





    Hi Umberto,

    Sorry about that.

    I’ve noticed That you have Elementor PRO installed on your site, so you can apply the same condition with Elementor’s Display Conditions options as shown in this screenshot.


    Thread Starter umberto69


    @leap13support thanks for the assistance.
    Unfortunately I have not renewed my Elementor Pro license. The option you indicate is not accessible to me. Look HERE. Do you have other ideas?





    Hi Umberto,

    I’m not sure if you’re able to see this option, but you can apply this condition to show your header on category pages, Archives -> Categories -> All as shown in this screenshot.


    Thread Starter umberto69



    This way it works, but it works both in “category” (link 1) and in “categories” (link 2)

    1. https://www.esserevegan.it/category/diventare-vegan/
    2. https://www.esserevegan.it/veg-navigator/categories/ristoranti/

    In the first link there are the WP categories, the Mega Menu must not appear here

    It must appear only in the second link. Here are the categories of a plugin.

    I hope I have explained myself.




    You can try adding another condition and exclude the categories you want. there are multiple option related to the category condition that can be useful.

    Thread Starter umberto69


    I’ve tried them all, I don’t know why the condition doesn’t work. It should work, as you can see from THIS screenshot, the condition should show this menu in the plugin category.
    In case you have any other ideas, I would be grateful if you could suggest them to me. But I think Elementor support should solve the problem, since those conditions are part of their plugin.

    Thanks so much for your assistance


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