• Resolved komdan


    Hello friends,

    We are trying to setup a Woocommerce webshop and running into a challenge with setting up proper conditional product variations. I have tried different product add ons but they seem not to be offering exactly what we are looking for.

    Our situation is as follow:
    We would want to sell posters with or without wooden frames. Our product attributes are as follow:
    – Poster Size = A4 | A3 | A2
    – Wooden Frame? = Yes | No (default set to No)
    – Frame Color = Brown | White (this is an optional field, which is displayed only if “Wooden Frame” = yes)

    Every “Poster Size” without a wooden frame has its own image gallery and every “Poster Size” with a wooden frame has its own image gallery as well, meaning every poster size has 3 image galeries, like:
    1. A4 with No Frame
    2. A4 with White frame
    3. A4 with Brown frame

    Our problem would be solved if the product variation of Woocommerce would offer hide / display conditions and if a field would not be mandatory but this function seems to be missing and again, different product ad ons we tried, do not offer it as well.

    Any support and recommendation would be of great help.


    • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by komdan.
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  • In my opinion, reduce the attributes to two:
    –  Poster Size = A4 | A3 | A2
    – Frame = No Frame | Wooden Brown | White Wooden

    This would be easier and will be inline with the 3 images gallery you have already made.

    Thread Starter komdan


    Thanks a lot for your reply and suggestion. We used to have that and think best is that we go back to 2 fields indeed.

    Hi @komdan

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I’m glad you were able to find a solution to your inquiry here and thanks for sharing it with the community too! 🙂


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