• Resolved binghamdesign


    Using Gravity Forms specifically – With the reCaptcha plugin, I’m able to turn on/off the captcha with a simple checkbox in each of the form options. You’ve provided coding to do this across forms, but I’m requesting a feature be added in the form plugin’s settings to conditionally turn on/off the captcha with a checkbox.

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  • Plugin Contributor kaggdesign


    It is a highly complex feature – we need to use hooks in a sophisticated way to inject our code into the Gravity Forms plugin. We did it for Elementor.

    Depending on how time allows, we will try to add this feature. We cannot promise when, however. I have added an issue to our GitHub; please follow it for updates.

    Thread Starter binghamdesign


    Thank you! I totally understand the complexities here. Just wanted to suggest a new feature to bring to this great plugin y’all built. Thank you!

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