• ok i have sorted a few bits and got a forum installed using simple:press so i am fairly happy so far
    now i am at a point where i want to alter the way some of the site pages look

    home page, 3 column, show all of my normal widgets
    article page, change layout to 2 column with left sidebar and remaining space used for posting
    contact us, same as home page
    forum, remove left and right side bars and have forum span entire page
    friends , same as home and contact page

    is this something that is possible with wordpress? i have 0 php knowledge but i do pick up things fairly quick, just need to know if what i am looking to do is possible or not.
    many thanks


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  • Thread Starter anythingparrot


    also while i am here.. can anyone tell me how to remove the link to the Labrador retriever training in the bottom of the page, sadly i have looked through all i can think of where it might be in the theme but i cant find it lol

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