• Resolved stingalpha1



    When I install the plugin the completed action button (tick mark) appears for all orders that are already marked as completed. Why is this? here is a screenshot: https://snipboard.io/ly7GQu.jpg

    as you can see, the orders are completed but the complete action is still there.

    If an order is marked as completed already (past order), It should not be displaying the completed order button.

    This issue is fixed when I uninstall the plugin (default woocommerce)

    • This topic was modified 5 months, 1 week ago by stingalpha1.
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  • Thanks for the feedback, we will change this behavior on next release

    Thread Starter stingalpha1


    Hi, any updates on this?

    Yes we intend to release a new version next week

    Thread Starter stingalpha1


    Awesome thanks, ill standby

    Thread Starter stingalpha1


    Hi, Any luck on this update? Still waiting thanks

    Plugin Author Kleinmann



    We understand about this small issue that is being generated, which does not affect the main functionality of the plugin. Apologies to our colleague for saying “next week”, because we will release the new version soon with all the improvements we have to add

    However if you would like additional information/help, visit the support section of our site.
    Due to forum policies, we cannot share any credentials, provide files/patches or sensitive information.

    – Best Regards

    Plugin Author mathdaniel


    Hi ,

    As we haven’t received a recent response, I’ll mark this as resolved. Feel free to open a new post, if you continue encountering issues or reopen this post We’d be happy to assist. Thank you!

    – The peace !

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