• Resolved nisto2016



    I am using NS Cloner for the creation of new sub-sites in my multisite environment. Cloning of sub-sites works perfect. Also deletion of a cloned version is no problem with this Plugin. But it looks like that deleting a cloned sub-site about the Plugin-Interface does not really delete all related tables in the wordpress database of my multisite?

    This leads to not used and needed tables and blows up my wordpress database.
    I would not mind to delete these tables manually per phpmyadmin but unfortunately I do not know which ones? How can I identify the not needed tables? Do they have the same prefix? But can I really delete all tables with one prefix or are there maybe some remaining relations to the original site which I cloned?
    Is there any dependance to the name of the cloned sub-site? Because I deleted one sub-site first and then created one with NS Cloner with the same name again. Is there a unique table-prefix of this new generated sub-site (with old name) as well?

    Thanks very much and sunny regards

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Never Settle


    Hi Nicola,

    That would be more of an issue with WordPress Multisite and not NS Cloner. Cloner doesn’t have the ability to delete sites, just duplicate them.

    Thread Starter nisto2016



    Thank you very much for your quick and helpful reply. Yes, I see, indeed I deleted the cloned site in the network admin interface. Sorry for my confusion.

    The cloning process works perfect 🙂 – thanks for your great Plugin!

    Sunny regards

    Plugin Author Never Settle


    Awesome! Thanks for letting us know 🙂

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