• I use Falang on my site to make it bilingual, but I can’t use it in combination with ActivityPub. This has to do with the url being edited via Falang, adding a language slug after my domain name. ActivityPub is blissfully unaware and, as a result, doesn’t work.

    Could this be resolved via updating Falang, or does the ActivityPub plugin need updating?

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  • Plugin Author sbouey


    Perhaps you can cross post this support to the ActivityPub support thread

    can you put some link and screen capture of the problem ?

    Hey @sbouey 👋

    I am one of the maintainer of the ActivityPub plugin, maybe I can help here.

    The plugin uses the permalink as IDs to publish posts to Mastodon and other fediverse networks. Mastodon uses these informations to get some data about the post, using Content Negotiation:

    curl "https://notiz.blog/2023/10/17/hello-wordpress/" \
         -H 'Accept: application/activity+json'

    You can simulate the call, by adding /activitypub to the end of each post URL: https://notiz.blog/2023/10/17/hello-wordpress/activitypub

    Maybe the re-write with the “lang” in each permalink might breaks this functionality?

    Plugin Author sbouey


    Hi Matthias,

    It’s possible to set in Falang not to add the lang in the permalink for the default language, in this case does it work for the default language ?

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