• circular one


    Thanks for a great plugin!

    I couldn’t get it working with the new ACF Pro without changing a few things. I was getting an undefined index error on line 713 for $field[‘choices’] so i moved the “choices” from here

    $this->defaults = array(
    	'enqueue_fa' 	=>	0,
    	'allow_null' 	=>	0,
    	'save_format'	=>  'element',
    	'default_value'	=>	'',
    	'fa_live_preview'	=>	'',
    	'choices' => array(

    to above it like this

    $this->choices = array(
    	'fa-adjust'=> ' fa-adjust',
    	'fa-adn' => ' fa-adn',

    then around line 713 changed it to this

    // loop through values and add them as options
    $theicons = $this->choices;
    if( $theicons )
    	foreach( $theicons as $key => $value )
    		$selected = $this->find_selected( $key, $field['value'], $field['save_format'], $theicons );
    		echo '<option value="'.$key.'" '.$selected.'>'.$value.'</option>';

    and it’s working again. Hope this helps someone!



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  • Plugin Author Matt Keys


    If anyone else is experiencing this same issue please post here as well.



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