• raheela



    I just installed Spacious this week, and would like the Comments box to appear on other pages i.e. not just on the About page. How can I make this happen?

    I basically want to encourage dialogue on more than just my About page.

    Many thanks in advance for your help.

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  • djstigers


    Hiya 🙂

    If you go to where you would edit your page, at the top is a little white button that says screen options. If you click this open it shows some boxes you can check. Make sure the discussion box is checked. This will put a box with discussion options down on the edit area. Then find that Discussion box somewhere down below where you enter content. There should be an option that says “allow comments”. Check this to allow comments on your page.

    Hope this helps 🙂

    Thread Starter raheela


    AMAZING! Thanks so much, that worked 🙂

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