• Lori Cunningham


    I need help with enabling the comments box on PAGES, not posts. The box isn’t there, no matter what I do.

    I’ve read many threads and have the Comments box clicked on. I think it’s part of my theme’s code. My theme is a custom theme I received as part of a training I purchased last year.

    I’m NOT a coder and have very limited knowledge. I can copy and paste though. 🙂

    I’ve tried the code <?php comments_template(); ?> on the page.php, but it still isn’t showing up.

    I need this figured out ASAP. Thank you!

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  • lisa


    please provide link to the website so people on the support forum can try to help after viewing some of the source code.

    Thread Starter Lori Cunningham


    Ok. This is my first thread so I’m not sure of the protocol.


    Thread Starter Lori Cunningham


    Never mind. A friend who codes for a living got in there and figured it out for me. Don’t ask me what she did – I have no clue!



    Glad you were able to get your issue resolved.

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