• Resolved Tom



    is there an easy way to make 2 rows with 4 columns on desktop, 3 rows with 3 columns on tablet, and 4 rows with 2 columns on mobile, than using Responsive conditions? It will be perfect to have option to set up columns number for every breakpoint in Container block (similar to option in Advanced columns before). Or I need to use Flex property Direction and column width to do it? But really can’t see a way to avoid using Responsive conditions anyway, as setting up 25% column width on desktop for 8 columns makes it 8 in one row, not 2 rows…

    Any advice will be appreciated, thanks.


    • This topic was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Tom.
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  • Plugin Support BSF – Judith Pete


    Hi @lsrgsrd ,

    Thanks for contacting us.

    I am afraid we don’t have this feature with Spectra options at the moment, however, I would love to take this as a suggestion. I will indeed convey your feedback to our concerned developers. We are always keen to listen to our customers and receive their feedback. It is the best way to improve our products and services and maintain our client’s satisfaction. 🙂

    I’ll put forward your thought about this to our team, and if feasible, we will try to improve the scenario in our future updates.

    If you have any further queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

    Thread Starter Tom


    Thank you, it will be very useful feature and will make it easier to manage design on different devices.

    Plugin Support mohsinbsf


    Hi @lsrgsrd,

    Yeah sure, I will share your feedback with the team. Please feel free to open a new thread if you face any issue.

    Have a nice day!

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