• Resolved dumboxp


    Hello Greg,

    Thanks, for finally including the configuration of classified-types and their taxonomy into the core-settings to get rid of manual code that will very likely become incompatible with newer versions of WP Adverts.

    For SEO reasons it is very important that previous URLs automatically redirect to the new configured taxonomies.

    It seems that this works fine with the classified-type adverts. But, unfortunately it does not work with advert_category.

    As a start i added the following lines to .htaccess but I thing WP Adverts should care about that:

    Redirect 301 /advert_category/lkw/ /feuerwehrfahrzeuge/lkw/
    Redirect 301 /advert_category/pkw/ /feuerwehrfahrzeuge/pkw/

    Could you please add an automatic redirect from /advert_category to the configured taxonomy? Using an additional plugin should be avoided here 😉

    thanks, Roland

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Greg Winiarski


    thanks for the feedback, i will consider adding the automatic redirects in one of the next releases.

    In the meantime, you should be able to take care of all category redirects by adding the code below in your .htaccess file

    RedirectMatch 301 /advert_category/(.*) /feuerwehrfahrzeuge/$1 
    Thread Starter dumboxp


    Thank you very much! The entry in .htaccess works like charm!

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