• Thisnamedoesnotexistattempt31


    I’ve just installed a new theme and found the same problem, that most changes in a child theme do not do anything. Say a background colour, I paste the snippet into the child but changing values does nothing so I resort to leaving a comment above it that it needs to be modified in the parent. When the theme is updated I then go back to the main and make all these adjustments.

    Does anyone know why this is happening, is it just me? In the example below, whatever I change the background-color to has no effect in the child.


    .header-image {
    background-color: #F5DEC8;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #e3e3e3;
    float: left;
    height: auto;
    position: relative;
    width: 100%;

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  • What parent theme are you using? Can you post a link to your site?

    Thread Starter Thisnamedoesnotexistattempt31


    Thanks for the reply. This problem has been the case with SeaSun and Restimpo themes for me, both by the same author. I wondered if it was down to my browser or WP or perhaps related to the themes. Anyway I got fed up in the end and started using Nirvana, it has a good customise panel.

    The problem with Nirvana is that it loses the browser scroll bars and mouse wheel after you zoom. This happens in firefox and IE. I think it’s a bug to do with the responsive handling. The other thing is there’s no landing page and the way the content and comments are integrated means you cannot remove comments for a custom template. A blank page is needed, and calling the header and footer to keep with the theme.

    What have I learned? When you start tinkering, all manner of things popup.

    My site is http://www.tonyabbott.co.uk you wont see much there as I lost the database a few days ago, but you might want to see what I mean about the scrolling.

    You should post at the Nirvana theme forums for more help: https://wordpress.org/support/theme/nirvana#postform

    I don’t currently have access to a computer that runs IE, but I can’t reproduce this issue with Firefox in Mac OS Yosemite.

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