• Resolved Mikey_


    As requested by Angelo, I’m posting my questions as separate posts.

    I understand that Events Manager Pro allows for custom booking forms. I am thinking about buying the Pro version if this can be done:

    1. Organizer creates event
    2. Organizer lists 10 things that are needed for the event
    3. Users make a booking and checkbox 1 of the 10 things they can bring

    This is useful for events where organizer asks for help in what people should bring. Example:

    Guests: please choose 1 item to bring to the event:
    O Fire wood. Brought by: _____?
    O Lighter/ Fire starter. Brought by: _____?
    O Soap. Brought by: _____?
    O Towel. Brought by: _____?

    User 1 makes a booking and chooses “Soap” to bring. User 3 brings “Fire wood”. Now, the list should look like this:

    Guests: please choose 1 item to bring to the event:
    O Fire wood. Brought by: User 3
    O Lighter/ Fire starter. Brought by: _____?
    O Soap. Brought by: User 1
    O Towel. Brought by: _____?


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