• Resolved flw14


    I am writing this in June 2023 and I am curious if it is possible to check back to see what my WooCommerce checkout page looked like in March 2020. I need to know if the terms and conditions page was defined in my WooCommerce settings in March 2020 but I don’t know where to look for that information.

    It seems like there isn’t much information on the Wayback machine for /checkout/ pages and I don’t have too much help from my Google Analytics.

    Please, can someone help me determine when my terms and conditions page was “defined” in the backend of my site so that I know when I required visitors to check the box that says they have read and agreed to our terms.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Igor H



    While I understand your request, please note I don’t have the ability to retrieve specific historical data from your WooCommerce site or any external databases.

    If you didn’t keep any backup or logs of your WooCommerce settings during that time, it might be challenging to track the changes specifically in your Terms and Conditions setting in the checkout process.

    You may want to reach out to your web host to see if they keep backups or logs that may include this data.

    You can also check on your backend, under the pages tab, to see if the terms and conditions page remains on your end.


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