• andrej87


    Hi there, maybe I am blind but I can’t find the option to change the color of border of the selected item and check-icon within the global or block-related STYLE options.

    Take this screenshot from your documentation: https://docs.yithemes.com/yith-woocommerce-product-add-ons/wp-content/uploads/sites/223/2023/04/form-options.jpg (the 13-inch Retina is the selected option right at the top)

    Now the standard color of the border and check-icon for selected items is #03bfac, however I don’t see any option to change it – in the STYLE options, you can change the ACCENT COLOR of the border (for when you hover over it) and the form FORM BORDER-COLOR (for when the option is not selected), but I don’t see any color option for the border color when it is selected

    Is there no such option or am overlooking something?

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  • Plugin Support Giuseppe Madaudo


    Hi there,

    the screenshot that you share is relative to the premium version, this is the reason because you cannot fount in the free version of the plugin.

    Thread Starter andrej87


    Hello Guiseppe, I am using the premium version, not the free version, so my question remains the same 🙂

    If I was using the free version, I would not be able to add the “Product” option to blocks, since that is a premium version feature.

    Plugin Support Iván Sosa


    Hi there,

    This is not the right place to receive support for the premium version of the plugin.
    To receive support, please go to our official page, there you will find the steps to receive the appropriate support.

    Thanks for your understanding.

    Have a nice day!

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