• Resolved basbuis


    we are having an issue with your plugin on both sites we using it on:

    Newest version Directory plugin
    Newest version WP
    Newest version of Divi

    When make a change (front end) to an existing listing with an admin account:
    all well and all changes are safed (no problem with an admin account)

    But… when making the changes with a normal user account:
    after the page for the picture and thumbnail all the user sees is a blanc page and nothing is saved (tried this several times on two websites)

    There is something strange going on when the user has less rights then an admin…

    Help needed because this is not good… not at all…

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  • Plugin Author Business Directory Plugin


    Hi @basbuis,

    Sorry that you ran into issues here!

    First, have you tried a conflict test yet? Here is an article about how to test for theme and plugin conflicts with Business Directory, which may help pinpoint the issue: http://businessdirectoryplugin.com/support-forum/faq/how-to-check-for-plugin-and-theme-conflicts-with-bd/ A lot of times there’s something interfering but it’s not obvious. This helps to find that.

    Second, you might try “compatibility mode” because we know Divi theme really needs this to work with BD. That’s under Directory Admin->Manage Options, General tab, “Disable Advanced CPT Integration?” and check the box next to that. Be sure to save settings and flush your cache.

    If you don’t flush the cache after that operation, you’ll be seeing old data on your browser.

    We recommend clearing the server cache, if you have one (which is found either in your hosting settings or on your plugin settings for things like WP Super Cache and W3TC if you have them installed), as well as your client browser cache.

    The best way to get uncached data on your browser is to use a Private browsing window or Incognito mode (depending on your browser). That ensures you’re seeing the latest, correct data.

    Try that and report back on what you find.

    Thread Starter basbuis


    Disable Advanced CPT Integration didn’t do the job.
    (cleared all caches and private browsing’. No change)

    Thread Starter basbuis


    Disables all plugins, cleared all cache (and private browser window)
    Unfortunately no change.
    (with and without the Disable Advanced CPT Integration and with and without the Ajax checked)

    But: with an Admin account there is NO issue. (none what so ever)
    So the cause should be somewhere with wp rights.

    Thread Starter basbuis


    With a normal account our users are not able to create a new listing.
    (and again: ONLY with an admin account there is no issue…)

    if they submit after adding the picture just a blank screen and nothing.
    When checking later: nothing is saved also.

    Thread Starter basbuis


    Had to buy us some time, we had to close the member area; part website temporarily down – to many emails.
    Hope you have a solution! (many people have Divi in combination with the newest WP installation?)

    Thread Starter basbuis


    All well.
    Divi updated their theme tonight (again) and after a cache clearing… everything works again. Naughty Divi.


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