• Resolved elpeyo


    Hello, I created four different CPT ui.
    When I update the content, it works in three of them, but not the fourth, the update appears in the “back office” but not in “front” or in the preview.
    Tried with different browsers and different roles (director or editor); but the problem remains the same.
    The changes then stored in the contents of my cpt ui type “fiche_mairie” are not visible in front, then they exist back.
    If you have an idea, I’m interested, thank you.
    A forgotten step: This content was previously under another, originally Article. I changed the type contained “Post Type Switcher”.
    Here nothing change
    genesis with outreachpro and cpt ui 1.3.5


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  • Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Honestly not sure what is going on here. We don’t do anything beyond getting the post types registered, so as long as that part is getting taken care of, then the rest is going to be WordPress core’s functionality and the theme.

    Thread Starter elpeyo


    OK Michael, and thank you for your quick response.
    I give here an item after a few hours of research to find solutions to any future reader would have the same problem:
    The content of this post from a guy “article” (post), as noted above, but in this article of origin there was a “builder” for a particular layout.
    By migrating the initial content to the new CPT ui, it has not been restored to a builder while some tags indicated a builder …
    An impossibility, a conflict somehow did not allow then to visualize future changes to the framework contained in this builer.
    Moral: migrate content yes, but in content to the same LOD LODGE!
    For my excuse, I made a batch of 15 CPT ui and one structure of audit oversight has enough.
    Sorry for inconvenience. I hope that my mistake will someone 🙂
    Best regards,

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    No inconvenience. Glad to hear you got things sorted out.

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