• Resolved 63N


    Hi, I’m just trying out your plugin and am looking for a way to wrap the new lines in a text area with a different html tag and add a class.

    Is there an easy way to do this?

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  • Plugin Author Ryan Kienstra


    Hi @63n,
    Thanks for asking.

    There isn’t an option now to wrap new lines with a different HTML tag.

    You probably saw this, but the only options for new lines in the Textarea field are:

    • Automatically add paragraphs
    • Automatically add line breaks
    • No formatting


    But if there are many people that would find this useful, we’ll consider it.

    If you’d like, opening an issue in the GitHub repo might help. People are more likely to notice it there and comment on it:


    Thanks, and have a great day!


    Thread Starter 63N


    Thanks Ryan, I did have a look at those settings.

    I realise it’s probably a pretty rare use case.

    I could do a find and replace type thing programmatically, but is there a more elegant way, like using block_value?

    Something along the lines of how the multi-select works?

    <?php foreach ( block_value( 'features' ) as $value ) : ?>
    <li><?php echo $value; ?></li>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
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