• Resolved redblackcoffee



    Is it possible to change the text in the drop down in this filter. Right now it says “All” if nothing is fitered and I would like to have that text in Swedish. Allso if it is possible to change the “Search”-text when you click out the drop down.

    Best Regards


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  • Plugin Support Iván Sosa


    Hi there,

    Add this custom code in the functions.php of your theme:

    add_filter( 'yith_wcan_all_filters_label', 'yith_wcan_customize_all_filters_label',10,2 );
    if( ! function_exists( 'yith_wcan_customize_all_filters_label' ) ){
        function yith_wcan_customize_all_filters_label( $label, $filter ){
            $label = 'Set here your label';
            return $label;

    Please, change the label where it says ‘Set here your label‘.

    Could you send us the URL of the filters to check the “Search”-text you mean?

    Have a great day!

    Thread Starter redblackcoffee


    Hi again

    Thank you for the awnser! I have fixed that now.

    I alsow have you theam Proteo. I would like the text “Showing all 5 results” and the sorting drop down in swedish. could you helpe me with that aswell?

    Plugin Support Pablo Pérez


    Hi there,

    You are welcome!

    As this request is for our theme and not for this plugin, I suggest to open a topic in the support forum for Proteo. We can only discuss in this forum problem or request related to our ajax filtering plugin.

    Have a great day and I will proceed to this topic.

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