• Hello,

    I am using Woocommerce for my shop in the highlight theme. How do I remove the purple color and text banner/header at the top of my shop, cart and checkout page to be just my own image? I have changed the “featured image” to my own which is my goal BUT the purple color and “shop” , “cart” text are still there appearing over my customized image. How can I remove this?

    Thanks in advanced!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello,

    ​Please add this extra CSS code in Customizer -> General Settings -> Additional CSS :

    .post-type-archive-product.theme-mesmerize.woocommerce.woocommerce-page.woocommerce-js .hero-title{


    .woocommerce-cart .hero-title{


    Thread Starter mbarhamje


    Thank you for your reply,

    As I added the code, my add to cart and stripe checkout method is gone and the original problem was not fixed. In the additional CSS I already have code that takes away the footer. Maybe this is why your code did not work? Here is what I have in the additional CSS:

    .footer {
    display: none;

    Not sure if this affected your code but now I don’t have a stipe checkout method, please help.

    Theme Author Extend Themes



    Can you show us in a screenshot what exactly is gone?

    The CSS code provided only removes the title from the woocoommerce pages.

    Thread Starter mbarhamje



    There is no way to add a screenshot in this message. These two links show the issue:


    Stripe Removal after CSS Added

    Before pasting the code, I had an “add to cart” and “pay with card” option (circled in black) through stripe. This is now gone and as you can see, PayPal is the only method to pay. The only thing I wish to remove is the purple opaque background and white text (pointed by arrows in red).

    I hope this clarifies the issue, thank you.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by mbarhamje.
    Thread Starter mbarhamje


    Ok I have fixed it myself. I needed to essentially re-do all the keys to make it work. Can you please provide me a different code to remove the purple heading and text on top of my online shop as the previous code did not work. My additional CSS has the following code already in it:

    .footer {
    display: none;

    This is to delete the footer. How would I add the new code to also remove the purple and shop titles without making any other changes to my site as its literally ready to go besides this one issue.

    Thanks again


    Please use this CSS code:

    .woocommerce-page .inner-header-description.gridContainer {

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