• Resolved Kizuri


    i’ve just installed download after email.

    it looks like it’s a wonderful plugin.

    however, when I sent a test email the email I received said the below:

    WordPress wordpress@mysite.com via srv159.main-hosting.eu 
    21:30 (9 minutes ago)
    to me
    Thank you for subscribing.
    You can find your Free Download here:MYDOWNLOAD.pdf

    how do I change the default email from wordpress@mysite.com as this email address doesn’t exist? How can I change the words in the download email too?

    thank you

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  • Plugin Author mkscripts



    You can find all of these settings on the following page: Admin Menu > Downloads > Messages.

    If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

    Kind regards,
    Team Download After Email

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