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  • @davis22509

    Can you provide us the URL of your website so that we can inspect it and give you a better solution?


    Thread Starter davis22509


    The URL is

    I looked at other recent posts here on the forum concerning additional CSS for customising menus and have tried:

    .main-navigation ul li a {

    .main-navigation .menu a:hover{

    This appears to have increased the size of the main items, but not the sub-items, until you hover over them. I am a bit of a novice with CSS anyway, so would be grateful for any guidance. I’m sure you will know a better way of achieving this.



    Can you add the below CSS code to Additional CSS box and check?

    .main-navigation ul li ul li a {
    font-size: 20px;


    Thread Starter davis22509


    This does not help. If I add it to the Additional CSS I had previously included (see earlier post), it makes no difference to the appearance. If I use your suggestion alone, the text reverts to the original (smaller) size for both main items and sub-items


    Can you replace the above-provided CSS code as well as the above code you have added with the below ones and check?

    .main-navigation ul li a {
      font-size: 20px;
    .main-navigation ul li ul li a {
      font-size: 20px;


    Thread Starter davis22509


    Brilliant – that now works!

    Thanks for your help.


    Glad to hear that your issue is resolved. Do let us know if you have any further queries regarding the theme.


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