• Resolved titorieux85


    First, i love this theme because it’s lightweight, easy to modify AND no jquery no bootstrap.

    I want to change the default image header (the mountains) to put my own, but doesn’t work. I’m trying to remove the add_theme_support( ‘custom-header’ ) from my child function page with no luck.

    Some help would be appreciated.

    My first try with WordPress.


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  • Theme Author Anders Norén


    Hi @titorieux85,

    Glad you like it! You can change the header image at Appearance → Customize → Header Image.

    — Anders

    Thread Starter titorieux85


    Thank youuu! I kinda forgot about that one.
    I just found out that the menu (hidden) and mobile/modal menu in Chaplin theme is what i’m looking for… almost perfect too. Should it be easier to try and replicate it or just copy all and use it in my Lovecraft child theme.

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