• Resolved jasonb4u2



    How do I use the code for example Pizza Shop open only:
    Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,

    with the multiple times e.g. open 11am-2pm on those days and then re-open 5pm-9pm on those days.

    I tried several different codes but cant get it right.

    Thanks in advance


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  • Plugin Author Dave Clements



    You can do this by nesting shortcodes. The first one will only allow content to appear between Wednesday and Sunday. The ones inside will only show content from 11-2 and then 5-9 each day. Since they’re contained within the first shortcode, it won’t appear Mon-Tues:

    [time-restrict-repeat type="weekly" onday="Wednesday" offday="Sunday"][time-restrict-repeat-2 type="daily" ontime="11:00:00" offtime="14:00:00"]The store is open[/time-restrict-repeat-2][time-restrict-repeat-2 type="daily" ontime="17:00:00" offtime="21:00:00"]The store is open[/time-restrict-repeat-2][/time-restrict-repeat]

    Let me know if that doesn’t do the trick.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Dave Clements.
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