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  • Plugin Author Khang Minh


    Normally I would not say this, but adding such a low rating to the plugin just because it doesn’t work with another program that is not even part of WordPress doesn’t sound quite reasonable and encouraging. Please kindly re-consider.

    It’s up to you though.

    Hi Brett,

    While checking out the reviews for ‘minifying’ plugins I saw your comment and have to agree with the author. As you pointed out yourself, the plugin did it’s job by speeding up your site – that should be worth 5 stars. If it then caused some trouble with a 3rd part tool you might – IMO – remove one or two stars and file it as a bug – no technical adjustment will work with all tools out there without further modification (work/time/effort).
    Then the plugin author can prioritize your bug – depending on how much effort it will be to solve and how many people require it … or what ever …


    P.S.: I don’t know the author. I haven’t tested the plugin yet myself, but will do so soon.

    I never really read through other ratings of a plugin if I’m done evaluating it for my needs, but I happened to see this thread after posting my own review. I have no relation to the author, and I have to agree with everyone that has posted in this thread – penalizing the plugin with the lowest mark possible, after stating it works, but being disappointed in your experience with another product is not only a poor reflection of the reviewer, it does the community of folks trying to find the right plugin for their needs a disservice. Furthermore, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some other issue causing your instant preview problems.

    This poor rating says more about the poster than about the plugin. The plugin is great and deserves five star rating.

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