• Hi. I got to work this morning and none of the entries for one entry are showing up when I click on the category name even though the entries show up on the entry page. They also don’t show up in the RSS category feed.

    Does anyone know what could be wrong?



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  • The site in your name’s link goes to a site powered by “serendipity” weblog system. Why don’t you ask your questions there? What does your question have to do with WP?
    Please, explain!

    Thread Starter bimo


    Sorry, I didn’t put the link in my post: http://baltimorefreedomacademy.org/bfaweb/
    The category entries that don’t show up is ‘Calendar’ (http://baltimorefreedomacademy.org/bfaweb/?cat=13)

    The main site doesn’t use the blog yet. It is for their new site, which is in development.


    In the sidebar, Calendar shows it has 7 items. After paging through your blog, I don’t see any posts with that category on ’em.

    As a shot in the dark, do you have any future dated posts?

    Thread Starter bimo


    Yes, there are future dated posts. They show up in the calendar now. I just figured out that you need to click the ‘edit post date’ when saving the post and changed them. Now they show up in the little calendar at the top of the page but still not in the feed. I seem to remember a ‘show future posts’ checkbox somewhere but couldn’t find it and have been installing so many different tools lately that I’m not sure that that was WP.

    There may be a plugin.. but by default, future dates won’t show up in the feeds (or The_Loop for that matter).

    I’m somewhat surprised to see ’em show up in the category list!

    Thread Starter bimo


    Can you think of any reason why the posts won’t show up on the category page or the category feed?

    Thread Starter bimo


    …even the ones in the past don’t show up.

    Are you running any plugins related to calendars or showing posts? Frankly, I’m stumped. Fortunately, there are many folks here smarter than I. 🙂

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