• I have selected different colours for various categories on my website – but not all categories show up on the list, when I press Customize->Layout/Design Options->Category Colors Option.

    I have the main category showing up perfect, while a single sub category out of 3 in the same category don’t.

    Am I doing something wrong, or is there somewhere else than in the editor, that I can change the category colour?

    Thank you in advance

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  • Theme Author Acme Themes


    Dear jensjensen86,

    By default Category color show all Categories, both empty and sub category. If you are using some plugin that modify the query, the result may different. You can check deactivating your plugins one by one and see if this fix the issue.

    Category Colors Option should be always here Appearance => Customize => Layout/Design Option => Category Color Options

    Best Regards!
    Acme Themes

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