• Howdy,

    I’ve looked around at the plugins on the site. And did a google search for something like a Catalog System or maybe a ecommerce plugin. I’m trying to list products and you are able to click on a product to give you details. But your are not able to buy the product.

    Is there a catalog system or an ecommerce plugin that you are able to turn off the buy function?

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  • So you only want to tease your visitors? 😀

    WP E-Commerce will do what you want. You can just disable to add to cart buttons for the products and use it to handle the product listing and variations if any.


    Hey guys, any body know of a plugin that only displays products, with an easy to use backend interface? It’s because I don’t need all the gizmos and gadgets of an ecommerce platform. I already looked at instinct, and wasted a lot of time with it when i found out u gotta buy plugins. I just need something simple.. If it doesn’t exist, I guess i’ll just code one.. ~_o

    I just did another google under “image gallery” plugins and i’m gonna check out: NextGEN Gallery.. Let u know how it goes..


    Follow-up: NextGEN is everything I need. Two thumbs up to the creators. I recommend it for someone with a simple product gallery with no need for e-commerce options.

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