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  • Plugin Author Zenaul Islam


    Hi @vvalisoy,

    Thank you very much for reaching out to us.

    I am sorry to hear about the inconvenience you have experienced.

    The error seems quite uncommon. It is very unlikely for the plugin to cause such an issue.

    I think this error are happen from another plugin conflict with ShopLentor.

    Don’t worry; could you please open a ticker in our support center?

    This will help us identify the root cause of the issue and come up with an effective solution to this.

    Best regards,
    Zenaul Islam

    Thread Starter vvalisoy


    I have a pro plugin. i created ticket as well waiting for your updates.

    Plugin Author Zenaul Islam


    Hi @vvalisoy

    Good afternoon from here 🙂

    Thanks a lot. One of our support representatives will get back to you soon and help you resolve the issue you encountered.

    Have a wonderful day ahead!

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