• Resolved balavander



    I’ve noticed that cart page layout is broken on mobile devices.
    All versions both Woocommerce and Elementor are up-to-date.

    You can se that “Apply coupon button” is completely out of layout.
    Are you aware of this issue?
    What can I do to fix it, since it’s impacting my business.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter balavander


    Plugin Support Shameem (woo-hc)


    Hi @balavander

    I checked the screenshot you’ve shared and your cart page. It looks like you’re not using the default cart block or shortcode, but rather, you’re using the Elementor widget. Additionally, it seems like your theme might be overriding the design.

    To determine if this issue stems from your theme or Elementor, here’s what you can do:

    • Temporarily switch your theme to Storefront or Twenty Twenty-Four
    • Disable all plugins except for WooCommerce
    • Repeat the action that is causing the problem

    If you do not see the same problem after completing the conflict test, then you know the problem was with the plugins and/or theme you deactivated. To figure out which plugin is causing the problem, reactivate your other plugins one by one, testing after each, until you find the one causing conflict. You can find a more detailed explanation on how to do a conflict test here.

    I hope that helps! Let me know once you have done a conflict test!

    Thread Starter balavander


    Switching to different theme fixes it.
    It’s possibly Astra Theme problem, will report issue there.

    Thansk again!

    Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hi @balavander,

    Glad to hear it – thanks for letting us know!

    I’ll mark this thread as resolved now. If you have any further questions, I recommend creating a new thread.

    Thread Starter balavander



    Actually this issue is not resolved.
    I investigated a bit more.
    I don’t use nothing but Astra theme and on cart page it just uses short code

    I event can see the bug in elementer preview window, when I change preview to mobile.
    Coupon section gets above items instead below them.

    Thread Starter balavander


    Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hi there @balavander,

    Thanks again for getting back to us.

    Please try temporarily switching to a default WordPress theme such as Twenty Twenty-Four to see if the same issue persists.

    Be sure to have a full site backup before making any changes.

    Thread Starter balavander


    When I switch to Twenty Twenty Four issue is gone.
    I’m not sure what can I do to fix it.
    My whole website is adapted to Astra Pro theme, I cannot afford to switch theme permanetly.

    Any advice?

    Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hi @balavander,

    It’s great that you’ve identified the problem is theme-specific.

    I would recommend reaching out to the Astra Pro theme support. They might be able to provide a solution specific to their theme.

    I hope this helps.

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