• Resolved YoWangdu


    I am using Genesis theme with WP 5.6. I am having issue with Carousel if I turn on the Equal Height. Excerpt text despairs. Any help would be grateful.



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  • Plugin Support Team Brainstorm Force


    Hello @yowangdu ,

    We’re sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.

    We have fixed this issue at our end and soon we’re going to release an update regarding it.

    Your patience and co-operation are highly appreciated.

    Thread Starter YoWangdu


    Thank you so much! This is a great plugin and I love it using. I use it many of my sites. Thank you for your wonderful work!


    Plugin Support Team Brainstorm Force


    Hello @yowangdu ,

    We’re glad you loved our product.

    Thank you so much for your co-operation and patience with us 🙂

    Regarding the issue, I’d like to let you know, we have already released an update for this issue, I’d request you to please update the Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg to the latest version i.e. 1.20.1.

    Thank you and have a great day ahead. 🙂

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