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  • Plugin Author Magnigenie


    Hello createscape,
    Sorry, for the late response.
    Let me check with the team and update you ASAP.

    Thread Starter createscape


    Hello Magnigenie,

    My clients are still having this issue and would like to see it resolved. Could you update us on whether this has been fixed in a recent version?

    Plugin Author Magnigenie


    Hello createscape,

    Please once check with the updated version and let us know if you are still having the same issue.


    Thread Starter createscape


    Hello Magnigenie,

    I’ve set up a test site and I can confirm that the issue is still there with the latest version, and with the other plugins turned off. I also tested on a couple other themes to rule out the theme because it is custom built. I usually test with the Twenty Twenty Four theme but the Appearance > Menu admin menu disappears when I switch, so I tested with the Elementor theme and GeneratePress.


    Thread Starter createscape


    Hello – I’m just checking to see if you’ve had a chance to look at this issue.


    Hello, i have the same problem, my site debug acuses: WPRMenu_Styles::$wprmenu_options is deprecated, how to fix this issue?

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