• across all my websites, mostly likely from an update, I’m unable to Save any changes made in the Customize Tab. How to fix this? thank you!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello @rickaero,

    It seems it’s a cache issue, if you have any cache plugin or server cache(CDN / Browser Cache and Cookies and …), you need to clear its cache contents or disable them to see your changes. Also, in Elementor, please don’t forget to click on the regenerate all assets file and data in Elementor > Tools; and finally use hard-refreshing keys and recheck the issue. To refresh the page, please follow the steps explained in this link:
    To clear cookies, use this icon: https://postimg.cc/0rtp7SS9.
    Win: Ctrl+Shift+R
    Mac: Shift+Command+R

    Also, it could be a plugin conflict, in the meantime, if possible, perform a basic troubleshooting checkup method and make sure the issue is related to our theme or plugin(s). To do this, deactivate all other plugins, then activate them one by one and check for this issue. Continue doing this until you find out what product is causing a conflict with our product.

    Best Regards

    Thread Starter RickAero


    Thank you! I’ve narrowed it down to the NAV Menus acting buggy. When i set a Category into a Menu, this is when it DOES NOT save. (Error says: Cannot Save) All other functions Save with no problems.

    After i get the error, i close the window (modal opens and says: Changes will not be saved if you navigate or close the window, before saving.) After i close the window, the change is made, even though it said, changes can’t be made. Seriously weird behavior here in menus. thanks

    p.s. I cleared all cache (siteground; pro tier) AND refreshed Elementor > Tools

    Hello @rickaero,

    Thank you for reaching out,

    Did you perform the above troubleshooting method?
    What was the result after deactivating plugins?

    Would you please share a short video of the issue?
    You can upload your files using one of the following online services:

    In addition, to better understand the condition of your website and the issue you are encountering, kindly provide us with your system environment information. To do this, please go to WP Dashboard > Tools > Site Health > Info Tab and click on the button Copy site info to clipboard. You can send the information as code here or upload them to http://pastebin.com/ and get an exclusive link: https://i.postimg.cc/fbjtkFyJ/image.png(you can remove your email address from the content).

    Please keep us posted.
    Best Regards

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