• Resolved jazzu



    I can’t manage to change the color of the placeholder text. It used to be set already, and I updated the plugin and after the update, I can’t seem to change it from default blue color.

    I thought it was an issue with targeting the element, so I tried to use multible divs and tags to target it, plus after that I used !important, but it just won’t change. I can edit anything else, like font size, opacity, etc., except the color.

    The code I currently have written, but doesn’t work:

    .elementor-element-8a3c1d5 .elementor-element-bb28678 div.glsr-form-wrap form.glsr-review-form.glsr-form div.glsr-field.glsr-field-text.glsr-required .glsr-input-text  {
        color: grey !important;  

    The submission form opens, when you click on the yellow button that says Pustite svojo oceno.

    Kind regards

    • This topic was modified 2 years ago by jazzu.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Gemini Labs


    Site Reviews does not set a placeholder colour for the form elements, so it must be either your theme doing it, or a setting (or custom CSS) in Elementor.

    You can set the placeholder colour with ::placeholder like this:

    .glsr-input-text::placeholder {
        color: red;
    Thread Starter jazzu


    Hello @geminilabs !

    Great, thank you! I didn’t know about the ::placeholder, so thank you for that info as well.

    Kind regards

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