• After I updated my Oceanwp theme, the site crashed. It is not able to install the theme. I deleted it and again installed it, but the same problem. I have now activated another theme but the site is broken and I need to re-install OceanWp immediately. Please help

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello @seema100

    Can you tell me what error are you getting while installing the Oceanwp theme?


    Thread Starter Seema


    I am getting this answer every time I activate OceanWP

    This theme failed to load properly and was paused within the admin backend.

    Hello @seema100

    If OceanWP has parent and child both themes then please only activate the child theme.

    There is any cache plugin then rename that plugin folder first and try to activate it again.


    Thread Starter Seema


    I have a Life-speed cache only. How to rename it? Or can I deactivate it temporarily? How to find out if it has parent and child themes? Sorry for all the questions

    Thread Starter Seema


    Now can’t even access my site

    Thread Starter Seema


    Can anyone help, please?

    Hello @seema100

    Sorry for the late reply.

    Still, are you facing the same issue?

    You need some technical person to get more idea how to rename the theme or activate it also, without error log or screenshot unable to get an idea about that.

    If still, you getting any trouble please share an error log or screenshot, or short video that helps troubleshoot your query in detail.

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter Seema


    The issue was resolved. There was an error on OceanWp software. I removed a comma and everything was fine. Thanks for reverting

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