• Resolved dannieaj


    We are in the process of creating a new website for a client, and are exporting an old WooCommerce database. They have used your plugin to handle checkout fields, and we have bought the Pro edition to do the same.

    One issue, we have setup everything so it matches from the old site to the new, but whenever we run through and order (or open one of the older ones) we cannot edit, or even see the checkout fields within the order. We can do this no problem on the old site. So the question is, what have we done wrong, and how can we activate whatever handles the ability to see and edit the input of the fields on an order basis?

    All the best,


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  • Plugin Author ThemeHigh


    As per the WordPress forum policy, we can’t answer premium-related questions on this forum. Could you please raise a ticket through our website? We hope our technical team will be able to help you.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter dannieaj


    Sure – where’s the link for it? I don’t think its per se a Pro problem, as the clients old site runs on the free edition, so it should work with or without the Pro! 🙂

    Plugin Author ThemeHigh


    Thank you for letting us know.

    The issue needs to be checked in detail.

    Please raise a ticket through our website themehigh.com.

    Plugin Author ThemeHigh


    We hope your issue is resolved.

    We are going to mark this thread as resolved.

    Thank you!

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