• Resolved alfiedee


    Hi, I’m trying to rearrange the items in my menu. I try to click-and-drag, but the menu item doesn’t move and an empty space appears below it in the list (it goes back to normal when I refresh the page or re-select “menu->menu”).

    Tried with both Chromium and Edge, same result. Any advice?


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  • This bug appears with version later than WordPress 5.9. To get drag & drop to work again use WordPress core downgrade plugin and revert to version 5.8.4.

    I reported this error in this topic.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Mauro.
    Thread Starter alfiedee


    Thanks a lot! Worked like a charm.

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  • The topic ‘Can’t drag / reorder menu items’ is closed to new replies.