• Understandably, the plugin shows the notification to every user, everywhere, unless you pay for the premium version.

    Since I don’t make enough money from my blog I am using something else that’s free.

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  • Plugin Author Rogier Lankhorst


    Hi @thesimarchitect,

    I’m sorry to hear you’re not happy with the plugin!

    To compare it fairly with other plugins, you should realize that the free behaviour of Complianz is actually what all other cookie banner plugins do by default: you have one type of banner that you show to your worldwide audience.

    So if you give us a one star for that, you should give all cookie banner plugins a one star for this as well 🙂

    What makes Complianz different is that you can choose different audiences, Europe, US, UK, and show a banner dedicated to this region’s privacy law. If you select for example Europe, your site will show a GDPR cookie banner for all visitors worldwide. This is just like any other Cookie Banner plugin that’s on WordPress. I don’t think all WordPress Cookie Banner plugins are to be considered useless because of that.

    So the free plugin offers the same, and more functionality as other Cookie Banner plugins. Only the premium plugin offers the option to dynamically show a different cookie banner depending on your visitor’s location. As far as I’m aware there is no other Cookie Banner plugin that offers this, be it free or premium.

    Additionally, there’s a lot more included in the free plugin: autogenerated beautiful placeholders for Youtube, Facebook, Google Maps etc, A cookie policy that is automatically generated and filled with cookie descriptions from cookiedatabase.org (an opensource project maintained by us), and a cookie blocker built in to make sure third party services like Youtube are blocked until consent is given.

    I realize we may not have explained the way the regions work very well in the wizard. We will look into that, but I’m hoping that with this additional explanation you might reconsider your review!

    If you have any questions or other suggestions, please let me know!


    Plugin Author Rogier Lankhorst



    We have added an improved explanation below the region selection (available as of next release):
    “The plugin will apply the above-selected region’s settings to all visitors worldwide.”

    This should make it clear how this setting is used, which seems to be the issue you ran into. Let me know if you still have questions about this.

    @rogier, had a bump or 2 over the last year, but i can verify, y’all are authentically engaged and honest. Thank you for the hard work and DEDICATION!

    Plugin Author Rogier Lankhorst


    @regionauts thanks, much appreciated!

    Thread Starter Sim Architect


    Thanks for the feedback. I updated my review accordingly. Please let me know if I need to change it later on. I am not using your plugin because my website doesn’t generate enough revenue for me to start using paid plugins and subscriptions for each feature I need implemented, so I only use free alternatives for everything, even if it means more limitations.

    Plugin Author Rogier Lankhorst


    Hi @thesimarchitect,

    Thanks for adjusting the review. For us it’s necessary to have some premium features in the plugin. The earnings for the premium plugin allow us to continue developing the free plugin. Without that, we have to find another job. Hope you understand 🙂

    While I can understand your wish for premium features to be free, these same premium features are the stuff that keep the free features free. In my opinion the freemium model is a model where everybody wins: a lot of users get a lot for free, the developers can make a living, and premium users get advanced stuff which would cost many times more to develop on a custom basis.

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