• Resolved gregid


    I have a Woocommerce order and was going through the process of creating invoice for it. I deleted the invoice to let the customer create it by themselves. Unfortunately now the system thinks the order has an invoice but the field is empty and there are download/send email buttons. Clicking them results in error – no document found.

    How can I recreate the invoice to this order?

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  • Plugin Support dominikl65



    Please make sure that the invoice you deleted – you also deleted from the trash if so and the problem still occurs then please let me know, and I will report the error to the developer. Additionally, please let me know what version of the plugin you are using.

    Thread Starter gregid


    Yes, the invoice has been deleted from Trash as well, Plugin version: 5.6.22, WooCommerce version: 8.3.1



    Plugin Support dominikl65



    Thank you for the confirmation. I was able to reproduce this problem in my test environment and have already reported it to the developer responsible for the Flexible Invoices plugin. As soon as a fix is available to fix this bug we will let you know right away.

    I appreciate your report and understanding.

    Thread Starter gregid


    Thanks Dominik,
    Is there any estimate on the possible fix?

    Best regards


    Plugin Support dominikl65



    Unfortunately, it is hard to estimate how long it will take before the fix is ready nevertheless the topic is a priority for us, and we will try to solve it as soon as possible.

    As soon as the update is ready, I will let you know right away.
    Thank you for your understanding and patience.

    Plugin Support dominikl65



    I received information that the latest update has been released that fixes this problem and everything should be working properly now. Please update the plugin to the latest version.

    Thread Starter gregid



    I am currently on version 5.7.1 but I still can’t do anything about the old invoice – on the orders tab of Woocommerce I still have empty invoice field and 2 buttons (download and send)

    Thread Starter gregid


    Is there a way to regenerate the invoice from the woocommerce order? When I edited the fields in the Invoice the rounding is different then it was in the order. Yet taking the original (above) problem into consideration I am hesitant to delete the invoice.

    Thread Starter gregid


    Update: for newly deleted invoices the fix works as expected. The problem only persists for invoice deleted before the fix was applied

    Plugin Support dominikl65



    Thanks for the update and all this information. May I ask you to make a video of two things? The first is where it doesn’t work properly to reissue an invoice after deleting it, and the second is the one you say works. I would like to see your exact steps and map this problem in my test environment.

    Thread Starter gregid


    I am afraid what you are asking is impossible – let me explain again the problem.
    Before I raised the original issue I have deleted the invoice – the fix you made didn’t fix this case – this order still holds a ghost record of non existent invoice hence the actions available for this order are download and send (no “+” button – so I can’t reissue the invoice).
    What works is if now (after updating plugin) I delete an invoice – it properly removes all traces for the new invoice – and I get the “+” button back.

    So the update fixes the problem so that it doesn’t occur in the first place but it doesn’t retroactively fix broken records from the past

    Thread Starter gregid


    To reproduce you would have to:
    – downgrade plugin to version with the problem
    – generate invoice from order
    – delete invoice
    – upgrade plugin to version with the fix
    – see that nothing has changed for this order+missing invoice

    Plugin Support dominikl65



    Thank you very much for providing the steps necessary to map this scenario, I have forwarded them to the tester and developer responsible for the Invoices plugin. We are already working on a solution to this problem – I will let you know when a fix is available, or if I need more information.

    Thank you for your understanding and patience

    Plugin Support dominikl65



    I received information that everything should work correctly – I would like to ask and ask you to confirm that you are now correctly able to add the invoice again after deleting it.

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