• twycoff


    So I am trying to install wordpress on my spectrum business server. When I extract the archived files onto the server in a wordpress folder, I then try and go the the installation page by using mthebronbaptist.net/wordpress and I get “Page isn’t working”. Then I tried doing it manually by following the steps in the readme and making a database. Once I add the finished wp-config.php file I then go to the same link and I get a database error page. I have no clue what to do I am trying all the other forum post and nothing seems to work. The server I am using is on PHP 5.3.3, so I am using 5.0.10. Any help would be appreciated!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Joy


    Putting the wp-config.php file in the wordpress folder is the correct step, but the address to visit actually does the installation: wordpress/wp-admin/install.php. You can’t visit the front end before you install.
    You shouldn’t put much time into an installation on that old PHP version. It is way past End of Life, and so it doesn’t receive security updates.

    Thread Starter twycoff


    Hey Joy, Thank you for responding so quickly! What do you recommend I do because I can’t upgrade the PHP version because that is on Spectrums end. Lets say I still want to install. How would I do it? Because I need something to be able to edit the website.



    I told you how. Read the details if you need to.
    Most hosts have a control panel where you can choose the PHP version. If you are running other software, you need to coordinate the update, so you don’t break anything else. If you have no choice, change hosts, because that one is way behind and that is a bad thing.

    Because I need something to be able to edit the website.

    This sounds like you have an existing site that you want to edit with WP. That’s not how it works.

    Thread Starter twycoff


    So i followed the steps in the link you sent me and now I get a “Can’t Select Database” error that shows the following.

    We were able to connect to the database server (which means your username and password is okay) but not able to select the db1618617_N database.

    Are you sure it exists?
    Does the user u1618617_T have permission to use the db1618617_N database?
    On some systems the name of your database is prefixed with your username, so it would be like username_db1618617_N. Could that be the problem?

    I have the users set up and have everything the exact same in the config file.



    I’m sorry I don’t know how to help you fix it. Read the message carefully and see if your database is just the database name or has a prefix of some kind.
    You can see the exact details in the host control panel. Use copy/paste to avoid typing errors.

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