• I am getting this error code, but i confirmed that the database and user/pw are correct in the wp-config.php file. Any thoughts or suggestions?

    Error message

    Cannot select database

    The database server could be connected to (which means your username and password is okay) but the database could not be selected.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • The error message on the WP admin page gives two hints

    • Does the user i8902285_wp1 have permission to use the i8902285_wp1 database?
    • On some systems the name of your database is prefixed with your username, so it would be like username_i8902285_wp1. Could that be the problem?

    You may want to explore along those lines and check with your hosting provider if need be, on what is the expected DB name. Also check the permissions bit.

    Hi @georged4239 – You may want to create a separate forum thread with details of your issue. Thanks.

    Thread Starter paristempo


    @nagpai I called the hosting provider (godaddy) and they were not at all helpful (only suggesting we purchase additional services to get help!) i can access the database via ftp and the myphadmin and can see the names etc are correct… i am trying to repair the site after a malware attack … and have removed/renamed all the stray files that were added to the site, but still cannot get the db to connect…

    Have you tried changing the name of the database in the wp-config.php to the format username_i8902285_wp1 ( replace by your actual cpanel username )

    I found this guide on GoDaddy too with some specific instructions related to WP sites hosted on them

    There is a mention of finding the DB tables prefix and adding it in the config.

    $table_prefix  = 'yourtableprefix';
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