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  • Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    In the config for this virtual host, add

    <Directory /path/to/wordpress>
       AllowOverride All

    the default is “none”, and that disables use of .htaccess. Be sure to restart or reload Apache after making the change.

    I would recommend trying out the following steps:

    1. Open your MySQL database in PHPMyAdmin
    2. Go to your wp-config.php file
    3. In wp-config, find this line: $table_prefix = ‘your_prefix’; change ‘your_prefix’
    to something new, for example ‘your_new_prefix’.
    4. Visit any page on your site. WordPress will start a new installation process. It
    will create a whole new set of database tables. During installation, type in your
    CURRENT user name and password.
    5. In PHPMyAdmin, open your [your_new_prefix]_users table, copy your password hash
    from the user_pass column.
    6. Open your your_prefix_users (i.e. the old) table. Find your user and paste the
    password hash you have copied to its user_pass column.
    7. In wp_config, type in your previous prefix. Now you should be able to log in
    8. Delete temporary tables from your database.

    Thread Starter guarnif


    Great. Thanks, Steve. That worked regaridng the files, but not for the login issues.

    Thread Starter guarnif


    @kuldeep – thanks for the info.

    I did it in a different way – I went to phpMyAdmin and in the “Function” entry at “user_pass” I selected MD5. It encrypted the password and then worked correctly.

    Thanks everyone! [SOLVED]

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