• Hello,

    Thank you for this simple, awesome plugin!

    I am having trouble changing the “How many items would you like to display?” drop down menu.

    It was set at 10 (i think it was the default) and I can’t change it to any other number. If I select “3” and save, it defaults back to 10. What am I doing wrong?

    Thank you in advance for your help.


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  • I am having the same difficulty. I currently have it set to 5, but I would like to change it to 10, and when I save the settings, it reverts to 5.

    Plugin Author Aaron D. Campbell


    Can you try disabling all other plugins and test it again. Sounds like there might be some kind of conflict.

    Thread Starter calvinkwon


    hmmmm…. I can’t seem to find the conflict 🙁

    Is there a way to code in the number of tweets i want to show?


    I can’t seem to find a conflict either. Please advise. Otherwise, this is a terrific plugin.

    Is there another option for increasing the number of displayed tweets?

    Same problem here. No updates from the author on this?

    I found this manifests if you try and save the settings from the widget.

    If you go to Settings/Twitter Widget and change settings there, it does seem to save the settings and they are reflected in the widget’s settings.

    Hope that helps.

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