• Our agency has an event that occurs every Monday afternoon EXCEPT for national holidays, How can I delete/cancel the event on National holidays but have the event show up all the other Mondays of the year?

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  • Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    There are a couple of ways.

    1. Add a category for holidays, and add all the holidays you want to avoid in that category. Assign that category as your ‘holiday’ category at My Calendar > Categories, then
    2. Edit your recurring events to choose the option “Skip on Holidays”


    1. Edit the recurring event.
    2. Open the panel ‘View scheduled dates’
    3. Delete the individual dates you want removed.

    Full disclosure: while answering this question, I discovered a bug that was causing the first option to not show up in the editor. That’ll be fixed in the next release. Whoops!

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