• leader193


    I am using your woocommerce multicurrency on my woocommerce website. The default currency of my store is DKK. I also offer customers to pay in EUR. I would like to create coupons with a fixed cart amount. This works fine with the default currency. If for example a customer’s cart total is 150 kr and a fixed cart coupon on the amount of 100 kr is entered, the cart total will change to 50 kr as it should. If however, and for example, the cart total is EUR81.25 and I enter a coupon code for a coupon with the value of 15 in order to deduct EUR15, woocommerce only deducts EUR2.5 from the cart total. Is this a bug or a configuration issue? If neither, is there a way to fix this for example by adding some code in my child theme function.php? this same happening with my other two currencies GBP and INR as well.
    Please Help

    • This topic was modified 2 months ago by leader193.
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  • Plugin Support angelagrey



    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    The “Fixed cart” discount amount in your coupon is entered in default currency, that value will be converted to other currencies by exchange rate accordingly. It’s not feasible to keep the coupon amount while changing the currency, like the coupon is 100DKK and 100EUR at the same time.

    Which means if you created a fixed cart coupon with value 15DKK >> it’ll be convert to approximately 2 EUR (depends on your rate).

    It’s also not a configuration issue. We make it work that way. And I understand what you’re looking for. But I’m afraid we don’t have option to enter fixed amount in each currency for WooCommerce coupons.

    And, since you’re using the premium plugin, please open a ticket on this Support Forum when you need support or have any question. Since we’re not allowed to provide pro support here.

    Best regards.

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