• Resolved Thisnamedoesnotexistattempt31


    Great plugin. If I am correct there are two modes to use, the style 1 and another that just displays a round button. The style 1 player is black and I can change the progress bar color but not the colour of the player itself.

    I’ve looked in the plugin editor and cannot see any reference to the player’s colours. Is this a thing that can be done, as I would ideally like an ice blue player with blue border. Actually almost like what the other style does but in long player style 1 appearance.

    Many thanks if anyone can help.


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  • Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    Hi can you share your URL and point to the area that you would like to make some changes.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter Thisnamedoesnotexistattempt31


    It’s not a site specific issue, just about the look of the player itself.

    This is the original skin

    And is it possible to have a different skin like this one


    Thanks for your assistance.

    Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    Hi to change the area you displayed in the screen capture above, check the following code.

    Change the color from #222 to what ever color you want.

    .mejs-container, .mejs-embed, .mejs-embed body, .mejs-container .mejs-controls {
        background: #222 none repeat scroll 0 0;
    Thread Starter Thisnamedoesnotexistattempt31


    Thanks for the assistance. I’ve looked inside all the files in plugin editor and cannot find any of those classes or searching for 222 I also find nothing.

    I tried placing the code above in the player stylesheet and also tried it in my theme stylesheet but it did not work.

    Am I doing something wrong? Where is that code contained, or where do I have to add it?


    Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    The above code needs to be added through your theme custom style settings if the theme allows it. Or you can use the following plugin.

    Thread Starter Thisnamedoesnotexistattempt31


    Ok thanks, I tried it but unfortunately it made no difference, the player still is not changing colour.



    Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    Can you share your URL?

    Thread Starter Thisnamedoesnotexistattempt31


    okay, the player is on this page

    Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    Hi I had a look at your website and I was able to make changes from the back end. So I can confirm that the code above does work. Something in your website is blocking the changes you make or you are not adding them correctly.

    Thread Starter Thisnamedoesnotexistattempt31


    Ok thanks for taking the effort.

    Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    If your question is answered and you don’t need any more help can you mark this support thread as resolved.

    Thank you

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