• Resolved FREEZhao


    The old regiested by inputting rarely information.

    I just added a new field, for example the “hometown”.

    I want to update all the old user this field, and I can edit it in the Default Profile page, but when I Update Profile, nothing happen. The page refreshed, but it not update the info.

    Anyone knows how to solve it?

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  • Plugin Support Aswin Giri


    Hello @freezhao

    Have you set up all of the UM pages correctly and not using UM pages and pages for any other plugin?

    Can you please also check the browser console to see if you have any errors?

    Thread Starter FREEZhao


    All the page is right, I have checked.

    when I update the profile, the browser console show something wrong:
    JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.3.2
    GET https://zz.bdstatic.com/linksubmit/push.js?ver=6.1 net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

    CookieManager {hasCookieApiAvailable: false, cookie: ƒ}

    and other analytics error.

    I record a video: https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/video/12420705


    How have you got and what is this JavaScript file push.js in the zz.bdstatic.com/linksubmit folder?

    I can load the Javascript file without any errors both with Firefox and Chrome.

    Direct access to the domain zz.bdstatic.com will return 403 Forbidden

    Is https://bdstatic.com/ your site?
    I get ERR_CONNECTION_RESET when trying to access this website.

    There are security issues so the web browsers refuses to load pages from this domain.

    Thread Starter FREEZhao


    I have disabled all plugins except UM, but the issue remained.
    When disable all plguin the js warming disappeared.

    AND…………I try to install a new wp site, and onlu install the UM. The updating profile function for other users works fine.

    Any option can cause this problem, I might check some wrong button randomly.

    Thread Starter FREEZhao


    Anyone can help? I have tried many ways, but nothing works out, except reinstall the UM by remove all of the data. But it will cause all the data gone.

    Plugin Support andrewshu


    Hello @freezhao

    Sorry for the late answer. Have you solved this problem?
    Please let me know if you need our help.

    Thread Starter FREEZhao


    I have reinstall all over again to fix th bugs. It talk a lot of time.

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