• Resolved DebT


    Moved this client’s website temporarily to an addon domain in my hosting for redesign, because their current hosting is a problem. The plugin worked great right out of the box, thank you! The only issue is that every email address on the site was changed from their domain *@tbhs.org to my domain *@tejadadesign.com. This was in Contact Form 7 (choice of email recipients) and where ever else on the site an email address appears (such as on all the WooCommerce product pages).

    In the next couple of weeks I’ll be moving this site over to their new hosting. Is there a way to “tell” Duplicator to not change email addresses? I’ll be moving it to an addon domain of a different domain name of theirs and I don’t want the emails to change to the wrong domain again.


    • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by DebT.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hey @debbiet

    The plugin does not currently support that scenario, we can look to see if its something we might be able to add in the future…


    Thread Starter DebT


    Thanks Cory. I work with a lot of addon domains, so the email issue is something I’ll have to keep on top of.

    Sounds good! Thanks for the update…

    I just had this same issue with ALL of the emails of the users that were migrated over (about 100!). You can’t change them without each user verifying their email first. It never used to do this is this something new? Thanks..

    Hey @nvg @debbiet

    The updated email feature is now an option in the installer step 3 under options > scan options. By default, it will need to be turned on which means it should go back to how it used to work by NOT updating the email addresses, if checked then it WILL update the emails. If you can give the developer version a try it may have the updates for your issue. The very latest version (1.3.9) can be found by following these instructions:

    – Uninstall your current version and install this one.

    Let me know if this solves your issue~


    Thread Starter DebT


    OMG Cory, you ROCK! I won’t need to use this for a while, but the fix will definitely solve my issue. I’ll update when I get a chance to use it.

    See, I KNEW the guy that made the best plugin out there would have an answer!


    Thread Starter DebT


    Update: I decided to test this out before I need to move the site for real, and it worked like a charm! This is a wonderful plugin, thank you so much. I did see the checkbox for changing emails. I did not check it and the emails were unchanged. Perfect!

    Thanks for the update!

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